NCI Assessment of CTIS performance on CTEP-ESYS, 2022
CTIS, Inc. continues to excel as a contractor. Over the past 12 months, they have undertaken significant projects, including enhancing existing applications, integrating various systems, and developing new applications for our enterprise system. These endeavors were highly intricate and necessitated the coordination of multiple contractors, demanding precise timeline management and superb communication, both internally and externally. Remarkably, CTIS, Inc. managed to fulfill all these requirements without disrupting the ongoing operations of any of our applications. This achievement is particularly noteworthy as any hiccups could have resulted in downtime affecting over 50,000 users or the inability to safely monitor study subjects. Their commitment to quality control truly stood out. Noteworthy application enhancements include CTEP-AERS/Safety Upgrade which streamlined the review and analysis of safety data, thus enhancing patient safety; integration with ID.me which significantly increased our system security; and a major update to our registration system to allow for new types of investigators to participate on our trials.